Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools 2637 Tusky Valley Rd. Zoarville, OH 44656 330-859-2213

What are your plans after graduation?

Attending Malone University to study Marine Biology and Zoo and Wildlife.

What is your favorite quote to live by?

Life goes on... whether you choose to move on and take a chance in the unknown, or stay behind, locked in the past, thinking of what could have been.

What grade levels did you attend Tusky Valley Schools?

I've been here since 3rd grade.

Who was your favorite teacher (K-12 including Buckeye) and why?

Tytler all the way. He was hilarious. We would always play harmless pranks on him, and he'd freak out.

What is your favorite memory of your time at Tusky Valley (K-12)?

It was in 5th grade band. We were practicing 'Up on a Haunted Housetop' and the rubber tips of Tyler Boyd's mallets fell off. While we were playing, Clint Spillman yelled, "EVERYBODY STOP!" and then said a phrase that sounded bad even though he didn't intend it to be. Everyone who was there will know what I am talking about. I think that was my favorite.

What was your favorite K-12 class or grade level and why?

This year because I have 4 study halls at the end of the day. I can actually sleep and not go home with homework.

What was your most embarrassing moment during your time at Tusky Valley?

It was a week before AIR testing (I have tried to repress the memory.) and was right outside the Spanish room, I tripped with a chromebook.(I would like to say I did a random gravity check but...) Everyone in that area stopped and there was a loud, dramatic gasp from EVERYONE. I went to Mr. Peterson's class. That's when I opened it to learn the screen in the bottom corner was shattered.

Which project, paper, assignment, etc. that you completed during your time at TV (K-12) were you most proud of and which teacher was it completed for?

My Government project for Tytler. It was over the quality of school lunches.

Describe your senior year in 3 words.

Amazing, UNO-filled, different

Have you suffered from senioritis this year?


What was the biggest highlight of your senior year?

Senior night

What is your favorite school tradition and why?

Airplaning onto the field for halftime during senior night.

How have you changed since freshman year?

I've become a better person, I'm more confident, and I also have more experience then I did.

What extracurricular activities did you participate in while at Tusky Valley?

Marching and Concert Band.

What was your favorite extracurricular or after school activity (sports, band/choir, play, clubs, attending events, etc) that you participated in and why?

Band has always been my 'escape'. When I'm stressed, I alway enjoy going to band and listen to the music we play.

Were there any extracurricular awards that you earned during your time at Tusky Valley?

In Band, we made school history. We got straight one's at state contest.

If you could start high school all over, what is one extracurricular or after school activity you would have participated in that you didn't?


What is the one piece of advice you would give incoming freshman?

Don't be afraid to express yourself. Try to stay calm and enjoy the time you have in high school. Seriously try to get the best possible grades because colleges are looking at your grade from now on. I wish I had taken that advice more seriously in my first two years of high school. Also some advice passed down to me, don't forget, our school is one big square pass it once, just go around again.

If you could change one thing about our school, what would it be? Note: Bashing anyone will not be accepted. Feel free to express your feelings about what you'd like to see changed but we will not publish bashing of individuals.

The dress code. I'd like to be able to wear tank tops to school during the summer. NOT spaghetti straps! At least 4 fingers wide.

What are your hobbies outside of school? What do you like to do in your free time?

I work at the Bolivar DQ. That and Band take up my free time.

In 5 words or less, how would describe yourself to someone who doesn't know you?

Quiet, Nice, weird, lazy, and funny

Where was your most frequented hangout spot in the community?

I hang in my room. I normally sleep after school unless I have work.

What is your favorite local place to order pizza?

Bolivar Pizza

What song did you listen to most this year?

Sea by BTS

What is your favorite book that you have read?

13 Reasons Why

Who is your favorite sports team/athlete? You can choose from any sport, but you can only pick one!

The Oregon Ducks!!!!! GO DUCKS!!!!

Which TV show/series are you most likely to binge watch over and over again?

Grey's Anatomy

If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world for one week, where would it be and what 3 people (you don't have to know them) would you take with you?

Seoul, South Korea. I'd take Micehl Rininger, Erica Hattery, and Lacie Houze

Which meme did you use most often this year?

I didn't choose the band life, the band life chose me.

Which physical item that you currently own would you not be able to live without?

My phone

Who in your life do you most admire and why? This can be anyone you choose including family members, friends, bosses, teachers, etc.

I admire my grandma. She's been through a lot during her life. She never forgets a single birthday or holiday. She never fails to send presents or cards. She is a caring women and I love her.

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