Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools 2637 Tusky Valley Rd. Zoarville, OH 44656 330-859-2213

What are your plans after graduation?

I plan on attending Youngstown State University and double majoring in art and forensic sciences.

What is your favorite quote to live by?


What grade levels did you attend Tusky Valley Schools?


What is your favorite memory of your time at Tusky Valley (K-12)?

When I got to meet Kyra Seikel.

Who was your favorite teacher (K-12 including Buckeye) and why?

TYTLER. He’s my big boy.

What was your favorite K-12 class or grade level and why?

Art class with Mr. Jacobs my senior year because I love art and I appreciate his support.

What was your most embarrassing moment during your time at Tusky Valley?

That one time in 6th grade when I won an award and I fell down the bleachers in front of the whole student body.

Which project, paper, assignment, etc. that you completed during your time at TV (K-12) were you most proud of and which teacher was it completed for?

My government project for Mr. Tytler in 11th grade about First Ladies.

Describe your senior year in 3 words.

Fun, wild, litty

Have you suffered from senioritis this year?


What was the biggest highlight of your senior year?

My solo in Stairway during the halftime band show.

What is your favorite school tradition and why?

We have school traditions?

How have you changed since freshman year?

I’m not emo anymore.

What extracurricular activities did you participate in while at Tusky Valley?


What was your favorite extracurricular or after school activity (sports, band/choir, play, clubs, attending events, etc) that you participated in and why?

Band. Because it's band and I love music.

Were there any extracurricular awards that you earned during your time at Tusky Valley?

Yeah. A ton for band.

If you could start high school all over, what is one extracurricular or after school activity you would have participated in that you didn't?

Softball and volleyball.

What is the one piece of advice you would give incoming freshman?

Don’t be emo, and no, no one cares if you want to change the dress code rules.

If you could change one thing about our school, what would it be? Note: Bashing anyone will not be accepted. Feel free to express your feelings about what you'd like to see changed but we will not publish bashing of individuals.

Bring Mr. Tytler and Mrs. Johnson back. Also, dress code.

What are your hobbies outside of school? What do you like to do in your free time?

Eating chicken nuggets, eating whoppers from Burger King, talking to Charli, loving Kyra and her dogs, reading, writing poetry, and making fun of my brother.

Where was your most frequented hangout spot in the community?

The TVHS band room

What is your favorite local place to order pizza?

Pizza Oven

What song did you listen to most this year?

Pompei - Bastille

What is your favorite book that you have read?

I’ll Give You The Sun - Jandy Nelson

Which TV show/series are you most likely to binge watch over and over again?

Sherlock Holmes BBC or The Office

If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world for one week, where would it be and what 3 people (you don't have to know them) would you take with you?

Hawaii - Kyra, Tom Holland, and Ava

Which meme did you use most often this year?


Which physical item that you currently own would you not be able to live without?

My phone

Who in your life do you most admire and why? This can be anyone you choose including family members, friends, bosses, teachers, etc.

My dad. He never fails to amaze me and he would do anything at all to support me if I needed it.


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