Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools 2637 Tusky Valley Rd. Zoarville, OH 44656 330-859-2213

What are your plans after graduation?

College at Kent State.

What is your favorite quote to live by?

“As long as you know that God is for you, it doesn’t matter who is against you.” - Romans 8:31

What grade levels did you attend Tusky Valley Schools?


What is your favorite memory of your time at Tusky Valley (K-12)?

I haven’t had one yet, but I know it’s going to be Graduation.

Who was your favorite teacher (K-12 including Buckeye) and why?

Mrs. Johnson

What was your favorite K-12 class or grade level and why?

12th grade because I get to graduate.

Which project, paper, assignment, etc. that you completed during your time at TV (K-12) were you most proud of and which teacher was it completed for?

Winning Science Fair with Megan Brown for our team project my junior.

Describe your senior year in 3 words.

Lots of naps

Have you suffered from senioritis this year?


What extracurricular activities did you participate in while at Tusky Valley?


What is the one piece of advice you would give incoming freshman?

Be careful who you trust.

If you could change one thing about our school, what would it be? Note: Bashing anyone will not be accepted. Feel free to express your feelings about what you'd like to see changed but we will not publish bashing of individuals.

People need to learn to be more kind.

What are your hobbies outside of school? What do you like to do in your free time?

Nap, eat, cuddle with my dogs.

Which physical item that you currently own would you not be able to live without?

My dog Ava

Who in your life do you most admire and why? This can be anyone you choose including family members, friends, bosses, teachers, etc.

My mom is my biggest supporter and she keeps me positive and keeps pushing me forward.

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