Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools 2637 Tusky Valley Rd. Zoarville, OH 44656 330-859-2213

What are your plans after graduation?

I plan to go to Ohio State University and major in molecular genetics.

What is your favorite quote to live by?

My favorite quote to live by is "What's coming will come and we'll meet it when it does," by Hagrid of the Harry Potter series.

What grade levels did you attend Tusky Valley Schools?

I have been a student at Tusky Valley 9-12 grades.

Who was your favorite teacher (K-12 including Buckeye) and why?

It is difficult for me to choose a favorite teacher from my time at Tusky Valley, because I have had so many wonderful experiences. However, after some thought, I would choose Mrs. Troyer. I had her as a teacher for trigonometry as a junior as well as for AP calculus this year.

What was your favorite K-12 class or grade level and why?

My favorite grade level has, by far, been my senior year because it seems like I have made more long-lasting memories this year than any other year.

What was your most embarrassing moment during your time at Tusky Valley?

I have had too many embarrassing moments at Tusky Valley to name only one, as I am a very clumsy person. I have fallen both up and down staircases, in front of large audiences and while alone. I have tripped on stage in front of an audience, as well as unintentionally smacked a fellow classmate in the face while dancing in a live musical performance. I'm sure anyone who knows me would be able to tell the tales of dozens of mishaps over the course of the time they've known me.

Which project, paper, assignment, etc. that you completed during your time at TV (K-12) were you most proud of and which teacher was it completed for?

I am most proud of my essay on Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech I wrote last year in Mrs. Lindon's AP English class.

Describe your senior year in 3 words.

Stressful, exciting, memorable.

Have you suffered from senioritis this year?

I think everyone suffers from senioritis at least once throughout the year, and if they say they don't, they're probably lying.

What was the biggest highlight of your senior year?

So far, the highlight of my senior year has been my acceptance into all four colleges I applied to.

How have you changed since freshman year?

I have become steadily happier with who I am as a person and more confident in myself, my capabilities, and my convictions.

What extracurricular activities did you participate in while at Tusky Valley?

My extracurricular activities while at Tusky Valley have included participation in the school's production of two musicals, Honk! and Once Upon A Mattress, choir at the high school as well as membership in the Tuscarawas Philharmonic Women's Choir. I was also a stat girl for our high school baseball team.

What was your favorite extracurricular or after school activity (sports, band/choir, play, clubs, attending events, etc) that you participated in and why?

My favorite extracurricular activity is being a stat girl for our baseball team because of the new friendships I gained and the laughs and jokes we shared.

What is the one piece of advice you would give incoming freshman?

I would tell incoming freshmen to listen to what your teachers tell you and don't procrastinate on your work, especially for science fair, because it will save you a lot of stress.

What are your hobbies outside of school? What do you like to do in your free time?

I am a bookaholic. I love to read and write in my free time, most preferably while also listening to music.

In 5 words or less, how would describe yourself to someone who doesn't know you?

Intelligent, friendly, clumsy, bookworm, feisty

What is your favorite local place to order pizza?

Bolivar Pizza is my favorite pizza place.

What song did you listen to most this year?

Dancing With Our Hands Tied by Taylor Swift

What is your favorite book that you have read?

Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince by J. K. Rowling

Who is your favorite sports team/athlete? You can choose from any sport, but you can only pick one!

The Steelers

Which TV show/series are you most likely to binge watch over and over again?


If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world for one week, where would it be and what 3 people (you don't have to know them) would you take with you?

I would go to Venice, Italy with my parents and Micehl Rininger

Which meme did you use most often this year?

The overthinking meme

Which physical item that you currently own would you not be able to live without?

My phone

Who in your life do you most admire and why? This can be anyone you choose including family members, friends, bosses, teachers, etc.

I admire my mom because she is a very strong and independent person, which is exactly the type of person I want to be.


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