Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools 2637 Tusky Valley Rd. Zoarville, OH 44656 330-859-2213

What are your plans after graduation?

Go to Kent and get a degree in Zoology.

What is your favorite quote to live by?

“Didn’t make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.”

What grade levels did you attend Tusky Valley Schools?


Who was your favorite teacher (K-12 including Buckeye) and why?

Mr. Paisley. He is beautiful.

Describe your senior year in 3 words.

Busy, life changing

What was the biggest highlight of your senior year?

Playing cards everyday in study hall.

How have you changed since freshman year?

I’m happier and more confident.

What extracurricular activities did you participate in while at Tusky Valley?

Speech and theatre.

If you could change one thing about our school, what would it be? Note: Bashing anyone will not be accepted. Feel free to express your feelings about what you'd like to see changed but we will not publish bashing of individuals.

The dress code.

What is your favorite local place to order pizza?

Pizza Hut

What song did you listen to most this year?

"Allstar" by Smashmouth

What is your favorite book that you have read?

Harry Potter

Which meme did you use most often this year?

All of them

Who in your life do you most admire and why? This can be anyone you choose including family members, friends, bosses, teachers, etc.

Carrie Spina. She has helped me be more confident in myself and pushes me to do my best. I admire how much she cares about the kids in the speech team, play, and musical, and how much time and effort she puts towards helping us succeed. She’s an amazing director and she has changed my life for the better.


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